Two quick items

Well, another two months have gone by and I realized that today marks 3 months since Eli got his big promotion. I have to be honest, I don’t really have an update to post. I don’t really know what I would say at this point. It hurts, we miss him every day, and we are trying to figure out how life is going to work without one of our biggest joys being physically in it anymore. When people ask how we’re doing, the typical answer is still “Hanging in there.” God does continue to show us examples of people who were positively touched by Eli’s life and we are extremely grateful for that. Which brings me to one reason why I wanted to post an update. A while back, I added a tab to this website where people could Share a Memory of Eli. I hadn’t drawn any attention to it yet besides on Facebook and Twitter, so I wanted to do that here. If you click on the “Share a Memory” tab at the top, you’ll see a form where you can submit a memory of Eli and share how his life impacted yours. The idea is to potentially compile these into a book that could be published. Even if that doesn’t happen, we’d just love to have the stories compiled for ourselves to keep forever! So please take a moment to share something, even if it’s just a little story or a quick thought.

Secondly, thanks to an idea from our good friend Morgan Scheppler, we are creating new Eli’s Army shirts. We decided to do Camo shirts that fit his theme, but we also decided to do Cardinal and Gold shirts that will show Eli’s support of the ISU Cyclones and will be perfect for tailgating! These shirts are “Twitter themed”, so they simply have #elisarmy (which is the hashtag we often use when tweeting about Eli or his Cyclones) and @elihorn (which is Eli’s twitter handle). I will be ordering these shirts soon, so if you are interested in getting one, fill out this form and let me know so I can predict how many to order. I’ll worry about getting the money later, for now I just want to know how many of each color and size I should order. The tailgating shirts will be $10 and the camo ones are $15. The order form has links to pictures where you can see the conceptual designs. Within a few hours of posting that preorder form to Facebook, we had over 28 shirts requested! Including orders placed by a few ISU Cyclone Football players. 🙂

I had a conversation with someone. She was telling about this health supplement that she had found and started taking. Normally I would not have considered taking it but she was really raving about it. I think that I am going to order some to try it out for myself. If you would like to see if it is right for you can Find Out Here.

Anyway, I just wanted to get those two items out there for everyone to see. I’m sure I’ll eventually post a proper update when I have the energy. For now, thank you so much for the continued prayers. Especially for Isaiah as he works out his new life without his big brother. The other night Isaiah asked Lacey if we were going to get a red box for our dog Harley. She figured out he was talking about Eli’s red casket and was wondering if Harley would have one when she died too. So we do catch glimpses that this stuff is on his mind and we want to make sure that he has no hesitation to talk to us about how he’s feeling. Pretty big stuff for a four year old. Pretty big stuff for a thirty one year old for that matter.

Thanks again!

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