Home – Kind Of

Just a quick update to let everyone know that we made it home safely. Only to turn around and head out for an Easter vacation in one of our favorite vacation spots, The YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, CO! We were greeted by dozens of elk and deer in town and have settled into our cabin and are looking forward to a relaxing week.

Bone marrow biopsy day in NY could have gone smoother. Eli had quite a few port problems, which required he be put to sleep with gas. You can imagine how well that went over when he was denied his precious propofal (sleepy medicine). Then later he discovered blood all over his shirt and pants as the bandages weren’t enough to stop all the bleeding. The nurses (Dani and Cassie) were fantastic and we really like them, so they made it bearable. After the procedure, I net with Dr. Prokup to talk about the chromosome concerns and about bone marrow transplants. She is also hoping it doesn’t come to that, but we won’t know for another week or so. Just to be safe, she swabbed Eli’s cheek for type matching. Lacey and I are already registered in the national marrow donor registry, so obviously they will check us first. We never imagined that we might have to be matched with Eli, but we’re still praying that won’t be the case.

I’ll go into more detail on the whole MDS and the potential for AML later once we have more results. For now, the test is done, our travel was safe and successful, and now we wait for the results while keeping busy in CO.

Thanks to everyone for all of the prayers. We certainly appreciate them all!

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One Response to Home – Kind Of

  1. ingridkay says:

    Thinking of Eli and praying that everything comes back OK!

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